Hola mi familia! I still don't know how to work a Spanish keyboard so sorry about that. I'll tell you all about my week! Pero, there are some things I need first! I need palmade for my hair, lotion, ties to trade, and I think that's it. I'll tell you if I remember anything else! I'm going to send some pictures later! I have to go to a different room with cords for my camera.
This last week was amazing! It seems like I was just emailing you on last P-Day Yesterday! Weird how that works! But it was a good week! Tuesday night we had a devotional with a member of the Seventy, Elder Kollieker I believe is how it's spelled. He talked about obedience and shared some great stories. His wife had a great talk in which she said, "never underestimate the power of a simple testimony Elders and Sisters." Firesides and devotionals here are so sick! But that was pretty much it for Tuesday.
Wednesday we taught our investigator for the last time and I COULD UNDERSTAND pretty much everything he was sayin, but I couldn't speak way too well. I did answer some of his questions and say some other things to him though. He then became our teacher! Weird, huh? Wednesday we also got interview by Elder Brooks and Elder Grammer for our evaluations as to which Pokemon name we will receive Tomorrow. Once you get your name you can evolve by doing cool stuff like scoring multiple goals in the same soccer game or Elder Jensen evolved by putting a sticker sign on a missionary in another zones back and having him not notice the whole workshop until the end when he pointed it out to him and got the sticker back. Anyways I'm excited for my name! And I'll need someone to send me some cards of my character when I receive it in the sacred pokemon ceremony tomorrow.
Thursday- We pretty much just studied and did the usual thing. Which is personal study, breakfast, additional study, language study, lunch, personal study, classroom instruction with our teacher, dinner, additional study, personal study, planning session, and going back to the residency hall.
Friday- Friday was a good day! I scored my first goal en Futbol en la CCM!!! My first soccer goal in the MTC if you didn't pick that up!
Saturday- Saturday we had a few classroom instruction sessions with our teacher where we learned more about teaching investigators and we practiced by teaching another Elder. We also had a stress management class for missionaries that was pretty chill. We then had a workshop that night which is where my quote of the week comes from! From Elder Greene in my Zone. He said, "We know that the Atonement was the single greatest event in the history of the World. And the only reason that we understand that when others don't is through the Restoration of the Gospel." He's pretty sick to say the least.
Sunday- Sunday was awesome like always we went to the Brigham City Temple Dedication at 9 A.M. It was incredible! President Packer did a great job! We then had Church and everything. In Sacrament we sang God be with you til' we meet again, which in Spanish says Hast ver for til me meet and it got me excited for when we do the Hasta Ver when we leave next week! I'll tell you about it later! It's the sickest thing ever! We then had a fireside with Elder Allen, who is the director of the Missionary Department. He had a great talk about being a missionary. At our fireside we sing about 6 songs everytime and we sang my favorite song ever in the history of the World last! Come thou fount! I've never felt the spirit as strong as I did then! We also got new Zone Leaders this week! One is from Ohio he's the other Buckeye fan around here. Elder Allen and Elder Beesten. Their both pretty chill. Elder Beesten and I have some mutual friends I guess! We just found out! I leave for Guate City in 8 days!!! Got my travel plans so next Tuesday around 6 and probably around 10:30 from L.A. stay by the phone Family! Are you excited to hear my voice? Hear me speak some Spanish?! How about some people hit me up with some letters while I'm still in Provo huh? Alright sounds good!
Love you all! The Church is true!
Se que la iglesia es verdada! Yo se que JesuCristo es el salvador y redntor del mundo! JesuCristo es el hijo de Dios! Thomas S. Monson es un Profeta, inspirado de Dios! El libro de mormon es la palabra de Dios! En el nomber de Jesu Cristo, rednetor dl mundo, amen.
P.S. Lori Elder Thomas just said he loves you. We're on splits together right now! Just got back from el Templo! Love you all! Tell me about how the blog is going! The food is average at best here! Sundays until dinner it's awful food! Pero it's chill. Rylee's friend probably saw me playing soccer by the Temple Wednesday, but not at it! Jordan Nelson, you are going to be in my Zone on Wednesday Brother!! Eternity is longer than two years! I pray for you all by name everyday! Orar Siempre!!!
Elder Nicholas David White
Elder White and Elder Thomas
The District
Elder White and Elder Jones
Elder Steed, Elder Thomas, Elder White and Elder Frost
all wearing the same tie to the General Authority devotional
Elder Frost
Elder Harding
Standard of Truth quote in the hall at the MTC
Elder Sperry drew a picture of Elder Bean...
...and Elder Bean thought it looked pretty good!
Elder White's name tag, his Brother Jordan's name tag
and a Buckeye to represent his brother Russell.
Elder White carries Jordan's name tag and the Buckeye in his pocket every day