Monday, June 17, 2013

Me quedo en La Sur (I'm staying in the South)

What's up Family?! How was your week? Mine was pretty good! 
Monday we went around saying goodbye to everyone in my area in Montserrat. It was hard. I though about the quote from the Prophet that says, "The people that you help find the Gospel will be the ones you will love the most". It is true. It was harder leaving Nueva Montserrat than it was leaving Utah. At every house I cried. The members cried. My converts cried. It was really hard. 
Tuesday was chill. I woke up with a horrible feeling and we went to changes. I am still in the South Mission. My companion is Elder Aguilar. He is going home in a week so I have no idea what will happen to me. My area is called Las Lomas and it's the first place outside of the CCM that I ever went to in Guatemala. So I'd already been there! It's pretty cool. It's a branch of 40 people and everyone is inactive. Its a pretty awesome area. It's inside of the Capital, but it's like a village. You have to Google it. 
Wednesday I completed 9 months. It's crazy to think that, but it happened. In the morning we went to help a Hermana in our branch take water from a house to her house because, her house doesn't have water. It was way fun! The President also let a lady sleep over in the Church so that she wouldn't sleep in the street. 
Thursday we had to go get a Hermana to come talk to the lady that the President let sleep in the Church because, she wouldn't leave until she came to talk to her. We also had a great lesson with an investigator named Sandra and her son. Her son was going to say the last prayer, but he was too scared. So I helped him by whispering in his ear. The little cutie.  We also helped the President search for people to see if they still lived in our area or not. And none of them did. 
Saturday We had a bunch of lessons and it was a good day. 
Sunday we went to Church early to set up the chairs and everything. I blessed the Sacrament for the first time in forever. It was pretty cool. My companion had to give a talk which means I'll have to give one this week. Haha. The mission nurse and her husband come to our Branch and it's great. He came up to me after Priesthood and was like, "Elder White when I fall asleep you have to wake me up. It's cause Spanish puts me to sleep."  It was hilarious. We then had to go to a meeting in the Stake Center in a van with all of the youth. It was really funny and I loved it. In the night we had citas and we tried to help an investigator set their baptism date, but her Mom is against it. It will be tough, but we have got to help her do it. I'll send good pics of my area next week. 

Love you all. The Church is true. 

Love, Elder White

Smile, Jesus loves you

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